Dr. Jeeeol

It is the start of a new chapter. Me, my husband, and our two boys want some babies!

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Location: Orlando, Florida, United States

I am addicted to school and don't know how to stop going (It's free). I am sooo ready to start a family with my husband and am counting down the days till it happens.I currently have two boys (age 7 and 4)who dance in backwards circles at the site of a leash.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

summer camp

I'll try to keep up w/ the blog but my summer camp is in full swing. I'm loving it.
I have a total of 31 students, 2 heaven sent RAs, the lead instructor and 7 TAs(1 who insists that he lives in an underground lair...). Its cool. It has your mind constantly working though b/c as you are doing one project, you are planning for the next two projects.
Tonight is joyous b/c it looks like rain and kids wont try to sneak out in the rain so I can get a worry free good nights sleep. I have 14 females this year which is totally unheard of for a comp sci camp. Plus they are beautiful girls. I have 4 returners from last year (we rejected a bunch even). Some brilliant & talented kids, let me tell you. I love getting to know them. I'll be busy w/ field trips on the weekends and the graduation ceremony. Arup does the teaching but I do the marketing, grant writing, budget, class arangements, purchasing, rules & policies, interviewing & hiring, field trip planning, discipline issues, AD/PR, housing arrangements, travel arrangements, ID cards, training, registration, check in, room issues, roommate issues, meal plan arrangements, closing ceremony, promotional videographing, camera man, 1st Aid, special events, speakers, bday parties, bus arrangements, decorating, rec center arrangements, sports, etc. Basically I am on call 24/7 for 3 weeks. Despite the madness I love it. I especially like the parents. It is also the most amount of students we have ever had. Our cap was 30 but we let one slide. For the 1st time ever we share the floor w/ anouther camp- a comp sci camp as well and they apparently bust out big screens and play guitar hero and invited my group. Sweeeet. I'll see what I can do about getting some media attention for the camp. That would rock.

My most common issue with the parents is my look. Listen, its like 100 degrees out and you know what- I am goin to wear a pony tail just like everyone else. Why is that a problem? Because it makes me look like a student and then I have to have the same conversation over and over "Are you really a Dr.? Are you old enough to have your doctorate? How old are you?" Who asks that! It used to bother me so much but after you hit 30, you learn to love. Honestly, there are worse problems to have!

So how cool is this. My brother who is no where around my campus, helps me out without doing anything. I took the kids to get their ID cards and they all didnt bring their HS IDs w/ them for a photo ID which is against their policy- BUT they know carl is my bro (the Director has been to my bro's parties) and says "Oh- she is carl's sister, that is no problem. We can make an exception for her." Score!!!! My bro rocks.

The kids learn all about Java and either cryptography or web development.
Only 18 more days to go!


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