Dr. Jeeeol

It is the start of a new chapter. Me, my husband, and our two boys want some babies!

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Location: Orlando, Florida, United States

I am addicted to school and don't know how to stop going (It's free). I am sooo ready to start a family with my husband and am counting down the days till it happens.I currently have two boys (age 7 and 4)who dance in backwards circles at the site of a leash.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Happy November!

My November has gotten off to a shaly start.
My camera that I took with me everywhere broke :( Hence, the slacking on the pictures. I will have to switch to one of Charles' cameras.
Then my cell phone broke yesterday. I know when people are calling and they can hear me, but I can't hear them. I dropped that phone hundreds of times on cement but yesterday it landed on a rug and that is what did it in :( So soon I will get a new phone. So text or email me if you are looking for me.
Now my VPN access from home to my work computer won't connect. And last night my wallet fell out of my pocket (luckily just into the depths of the chair I was sitting in when holding Will...I was back for my 2nd visit 3 hours later so phew!).
So blah to that stuff! Geeez.

On to the bigger news:
Will has his canula out now like Charlie.
The weights are:
Charlie 5 lbs 7 oz
Katie 4 lbs 1 oz
Will 4 lbs 11 oz

And Charlie comes home this Monday!!! In celebration, my school is having a parade this weekend (okay, it is the Homecoming parade but I will say it is for Charlie).We will get one more tailgate in.
Charlie will have a looong week tho- he has to do the car seat test, he gets his 2nd eye exam tomorrow, his immunization shots, and circumsized.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why do you want to circumcise the boys? They've been through so much. Circumcision is unnecessary and painful. It's his body part, shouldn't he have the right to keep it natural and perfect just as he was born? Besides, Christian parents shouldn't circumcise.
The American Academy of Pediatrics doesn't even recommend circumcision anymore. About half the boys in Florida aren't cut anymore, so no need to worry about looking different in the locker room. Even if that was an issue, there's no need to do it. You're not gong to circumcise Kaityn are you? Nobody needs to "match" anybody. Please look into this further before you have the babies cut.
I"m keeping this anonymous so there's no hard feelings, I hope you understand!





You can even search Dr. Sears or Dr. Edell online for info on circ. They are both very respected doctors with good sound advice on circs.

5:33 AM  
Blogger ugottalovemonie said...

That anonymous poster is a douche. No one should make the decision but you. In other news, I'm super happy that the babies are doing well and that Charlie will be coming home. And I can't wait for the homecoming game! See you tomorrow!!

8:09 AM  
Blogger Nikki said...

I don't know - I felt the anonymous poster was polite and informative.

I can tell you that all three of my boys are cut and I carry a huge burden of guilt and remorse around because of it. I wish that I had taken the time to better educate myself (like watching the videos of the procedure being done). As a woman, I would be so upset if something like that had been done to my body and yet I didn't think twice about allowing such a travesty to be done to my sons.

I didn't realize, nor do mostanyone else that less than 50% of newborns in America are circumsized. A circumsized boy in our sons' generation will actually be the odd man out.

It's a decision each parent of course has the right to and should make on their own, but I do encourage you (if you haven't already - which I'm sure you already have) really really really research it; even the parts we as parents don't want to see.

Either way - congrats on Charlie coming home - he's come such a long way!!! And we will continue praying for his brother and sister :)

12:24 PM  

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