Let me start out this story a few days ago. When I started to get sick, my shoulder/neck muscles were killing me. They were painful to the touch even. So I went in the hot tub alone. No big deal right? Later that night (probably due to watching Snakes on a Plane and also the Dirty Jobs episode of catching snakes) I had a nightmare about being alone in the hot tub at night and snakes slitthered up to the hottub, stretched, and slid into it with me while my eyes were closed and then someone shut the lid on me :o Eeek- scary, right!?!
Now shoot over to reality. We are home sick and I told Chaz we need to go out into the yard to get some fresh air since we have been inside cooped up watching movie after movie. So Chaz goes to get his shoes on, I open the sliding glass door and go to get a drink. Monkee starts going ballistic. Not his normal ballistic but the 'hell no you need to get away from my family' ballistic. Let us interject here how Monkee is like the best dog in the whole wide world. Don't get me wrong- Goldens are great but what I love about Monkster is his over protective qualities. I tell Monk to show me what he is freaking out over- and he alerts me to a GINORMOUS snake in our patio pool enclosure. Schnikes! Take a look!

Are you kidding me with this!? This is so not cool! So I immediatly do the girly "eeeek" and scoot both boys into the house and lock the door and get Chaz. Oh but wait- it gets better. So we go outside to devise a plan to get this demon snake out of the pool area. I saw him go behind the hot tub so I go took over and guess what I see? He freakin multiplied!!!!!!

So now I am freaked out- do I have a swarm of snakes? Sooo not cool. So Chaz busts out the hook saw on the extension pole and me with the hose. What a site. Now keep in mind we are both sick so anything strenuous knocks us out in about 4 minutes. Now add in heat and we are out in like 2 minutes. Not good. We had to switch roles and that didnt go over to well- I wasnt strong enough to hold up the lawn equipment that long so I exchanged it for my giant fluffy blue duster on a pole :) I call her the Blue Monster. So I got stuck with climbing on top of the hottub and scooting the snakes out the door that we opened to the outside (Chaz vetoed my idea of getting the gun......). I scared one out while he scooted it out w/ the pool net. Momma snake though was pissed and went to the back of the pool area. We cant leave her there b/c 1.) She might hurt one of the dogs and 2.) She might come in through the doggie door! So we spent like the next 45 minutes trying to get the snake out w/ out killing it. She rolled into this coil shape in a crevice area of the pool- I could have stabbed her and be done w/ it but I wussed out. We tried power hoseing her out and it was like a water massage to her. Long story short, together we got her out. :)
But here is where I am freaking out. We got momma and baby out. Where is Daddy snake?......Also, the past 2 days I had the sliding glass door open to get fresh air in here and now I am freaked out that there are snakes in here. If they are- we are moving.
So now we are exhausted. The comical thing- we laid our heads on the bed and what do we hear? Boom, boom, boom, schreeeek- the devil basketball players are back. They have this magical power of knowing how to just start playing the MOMENT our heads touch the pillow. They play until it is time to wake up. How do they know? Oh well. We take comfort in knowing that we sent the snakes over to their house :)
So the flu sucks. I keep tissues in both nostrils. It is a rather trendy look. Chaz calls them my nose bullets. We are the epitome of hotness right now...not really. However, I am sure we make Mike Rowe proud today b/c that was a Dirty Job! Speaking of which- did you all see the Ford commercial by Mike Rowe during American Idol? Hot dog- I almost got off my couch to go by a Ford, but then we passed out from exhaustion :)
Now shoot over to reality. We are home sick and I told Chaz we need to go out into the yard to get some fresh air since we have been inside cooped up watching movie after movie. So Chaz goes to get his shoes on, I open the sliding glass door and go to get a drink. Monkee starts going ballistic. Not his normal ballistic but the 'hell no you need to get away from my family' ballistic. Let us interject here how Monkee is like the best dog in the whole wide world. Don't get me wrong- Goldens are great but what I love about Monkster is his over protective qualities. I tell Monk to show me what he is freaking out over- and he alerts me to a GINORMOUS snake in our patio pool enclosure. Schnikes! Take a look!

Are you kidding me with this!? This is so not cool! So I immediatly do the girly "eeeek" and scoot both boys into the house and lock the door and get Chaz. Oh but wait- it gets better. So we go outside to devise a plan to get this demon snake out of the pool area. I saw him go behind the hot tub so I go took over and guess what I see? He freakin multiplied!!!!!!

So now I am freaked out- do I have a swarm of snakes? Sooo not cool. So Chaz busts out the hook saw on the extension pole and me with the hose. What a site. Now keep in mind we are both sick so anything strenuous knocks us out in about 4 minutes. Now add in heat and we are out in like 2 minutes. Not good. We had to switch roles and that didnt go over to well- I wasnt strong enough to hold up the lawn equipment that long so I exchanged it for my giant fluffy blue duster on a pole :) I call her the Blue Monster. So I got stuck with climbing on top of the hottub and scooting the snakes out the door that we opened to the outside (Chaz vetoed my idea of getting the gun......). I scared one out while he scooted it out w/ the pool net. Momma snake though was pissed and went to the back of the pool area. We cant leave her there b/c 1.) She might hurt one of the dogs and 2.) She might come in through the doggie door! So we spent like the next 45 minutes trying to get the snake out w/ out killing it. She rolled into this coil shape in a crevice area of the pool- I could have stabbed her and be done w/ it but I wussed out. We tried power hoseing her out and it was like a water massage to her. Long story short, together we got her out. :)
But here is where I am freaking out. We got momma and baby out. Where is Daddy snake?......Also, the past 2 days I had the sliding glass door open to get fresh air in here and now I am freaked out that there are snakes in here. If they are- we are moving.
So now we are exhausted. The comical thing- we laid our heads on the bed and what do we hear? Boom, boom, boom, schreeeek- the devil basketball players are back. They have this magical power of knowing how to just start playing the MOMENT our heads touch the pillow. They play until it is time to wake up. How do they know? Oh well. We take comfort in knowing that we sent the snakes over to their house :)
So the flu sucks. I keep tissues in both nostrils. It is a rather trendy look. Chaz calls them my nose bullets. We are the epitome of hotness right now...not really. However, I am sure we make Mike Rowe proud today b/c that was a Dirty Job! Speaking of which- did you all see the Ford commercial by Mike Rowe during American Idol? Hot dog- I almost got off my couch to go by a Ford, but then we passed out from exhaustion :)
I haven't read the story yet, but I saw the photos on Flickr and figured they'd been blogged about. Just needed to squeal about how creepy snakes are!
Even more freaked out now that I've read the story...ewww!
Yikes! I hate snakes!! Hopefully Chaz was able to get a good look to make sure they were poisonous. I'm with you, I would have wanted the gun. Hehehe..... Hope you guys begin to feel better. Rob and I are just starting to get better from what sounds like the same virus.
No offense, but thank God I'm not living there any more - I HATE SNAKES.
*goes to thoroughly inspect entire nook and cranny of house for potential slithery guests*
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