Dr. Jeeeol

It is the start of a new chapter. Me, my husband, and our two boys want some babies!

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Location: Orlando, Florida, United States

I am addicted to school and don't know how to stop going (It's free). I am sooo ready to start a family with my husband and am counting down the days till it happens.I currently have two boys (age 7 and 4)who dance in backwards circles at the site of a leash.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

fence mishap

Sigh, I got home and my side fence was 1/2 hanging over. Schnikes. I dont know if my dogs were leaping on it while barking at Diddy- the lil dog next door or if it was the lawn mower guy bumping into it. I did a temp fix but will have to work on it tomorrow...If it is my dogs I will have to plant a row of Areca Palms as a barrier...


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