Dr. Jeeeol

It is the start of a new chapter. Me, my husband, and our two boys want some babies!

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Location: Orlando, Florida, United States

I am addicted to school and don't know how to stop going (It's free). I am sooo ready to start a family with my husband and am counting down the days till it happens.I currently have two boys (age 7 and 4)who dance in backwards circles at the site of a leash.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Good bye sleep

Originally uploaded by drjeeeol
So my original plan was to go back to work in Jan. Scratch that. That idea was stupid. So then I said Feb. Well Feb is next week. Here is my concern. My actual 'sleep time' is 8am to noon max. So for me to go to work, that means I need to give up that 8 to 12. Crap. If the kids slepts thru the night, this would be easy, but with three....not gonna home soon. Granted, a sensible person would say 'why don't you sleep from 6 to midnight. Well, b/c that stinks. That would mean I never see my husband. The answer will come to me. Otherwise, I will sleep on weekends. Sort of.


Blogger ugottalovemonie said...

They will eventually sleep through the night. I don't know what should be expected of triplets, but I know that most babies at around 4 months you can start letting them cry it out. Its hard, but they will wake up and you have to ignore it. If it exceeds 15 minutes then go in. If it doesn't you win! And eventually it will get shorter and shorter until they don't wake up at all. But like I said, things are obviously different with triplets.

4:44 PM  

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