Super quick update
So I have been totally swamped with my summer camp.
You will get a quick abridged version.
We started a 'war' between the boy RA and girl RA (resident assistant). It is hysterical. They each of some of the campers aid them in their evil plots against each other.
The girl snuck the boys key from him (very clever) and filled his room on every surface with HUNDREDS of cups of water. Now that is funny!
Then to retaliate, the boy RA got into her room and covered it from ceiling to floor with toilet paper and balled up newspaper and on the laptop, the screen read "You've been pimp slapped.' So then the girls retaliated with a poster war which is hysterical. Then the guys hid alarm clocks that make rooster sounds when they go off and hid those in her AC vents.
Pretty funny stuff.
Last night I was going to send my first camper home in 5 years! The RAs talked me down though. So get this- the biggest kid likes to intimidate the smallest kid. For no reason he at full speed charged him. He meant to stop right before him but he tripped on his own pants and was still going full speed and hit this kid into a wall. What a jerk! He was intentionally trying to scare him but not intentionally trying to hurt him. I was livid when I heard. Arggg! So tomorrow is the last day and I was weighing my options. His folks live in pembroke Pines but I felt it would be cheesy to make them have to drive up here on the last school day (make the boy go to school!). SoI decided to call his parents and told them what happened and forbid him from attending the much hyped about Closing Ceremony. Seemed fair to me.
I have been running around all day for this ceremony tomorrow. I am pooped!
You will get a quick abridged version.
We started a 'war' between the boy RA and girl RA (resident assistant). It is hysterical. They each of some of the campers aid them in their evil plots against each other.
The girl snuck the boys key from him (very clever) and filled his room on every surface with HUNDREDS of cups of water. Now that is funny!
Then to retaliate, the boy RA got into her room and covered it from ceiling to floor with toilet paper and balled up newspaper and on the laptop, the screen read "You've been pimp slapped.' So then the girls retaliated with a poster war which is hysterical. Then the guys hid alarm clocks that make rooster sounds when they go off and hid those in her AC vents.
Pretty funny stuff.
Last night I was going to send my first camper home in 5 years! The RAs talked me down though. So get this- the biggest kid likes to intimidate the smallest kid. For no reason he at full speed charged him. He meant to stop right before him but he tripped on his own pants and was still going full speed and hit this kid into a wall. What a jerk! He was intentionally trying to scare him but not intentionally trying to hurt him. I was livid when I heard. Arggg! So tomorrow is the last day and I was weighing my options. His folks live in pembroke Pines but I felt it would be cheesy to make them have to drive up here on the last school day (make the boy go to school!). SoI decided to call his parents and told them what happened and forbid him from attending the much hyped about Closing Ceremony. Seemed fair to me.
I have been running around all day for this ceremony tomorrow. I am pooped!
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