Nursery Theme Ideas...
Here is the deal. With triplets, there is a good chance you will have both girls and boys so we need a neutral theme. Originally, we were thinking of Winnie the Pooh. He is cute but I am not a huge, huge Pooh fan. My worry is that people will buy us everything Pooh- and it would be Pooh overload. Pooh is only good in moderation (there's an awkward line if read ut of context...). The room is green, and I like it. It's very neutral. So I'm thinking a cool baby monkey, tiger, and bear theme.
How hot is this?!?!:

How hot is this?!?!:

I'm thinking that's a great idea. It's very neutral and still fun and cute. Plus who doesn't love jungle animals. I'm w/ you on the poo thing. It's ok, but I get overloaded w/ it VERY quick.
Skip Pooh! Go with the 'jungle" theme. It is VERY cute, and gender neutral.
Plus, it already compliments your "monkee & Tiger" theme.
jungle themes are cute. I babysit for a family who has their kid's room in a jungle theme--its different.
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