Book I am reading

I am reading this fantastic book that Chaz got me called Triple Treasures.
What I like about it is the fact that it is a true story and she went through a lot of the same things I did (and she had PCOS). BUT I have to give you the abridged version of the freaky stuff in the middle of the book:
*She was put on bed rest
*Oh yeah- they bought a bigger house while she was pregnant but b/c she was on bedrest, her family and to move everything and decorate/organize everything
*Then she was put on bed rest in the hospital for like 5 weeks I believe
*She delivered her triplets via C-section and they were in the NICU for FIVE weeks (usually I hear 1 week).
*She got to bring home the 1st boy. While home she spikes a fever. Turns out she has a uterine infection. Goes to the doctor/hospital. Wakes up to not knowing what happened- turned out she started to hemorage while they were fixing her uterus and would have died if she didnt have an emergency hysterectomy so her husband told them to do it :o So they had to reopen her c-section scar 3 weeks later to remove the other stuff. Ouch.
*So while she is in the hospital, the fire alarm goes off (and the elevators shut down) but her babies were 2 floors up so she had to take the stairs to get to her babies and hope her entrails didnt fall out while climbing the stairs. It was a false alarm.
*Then she finds out that they needed a new roof (cha ching) so they had the roof redone, but when she went to bring home her 2nd boy, the AC unit dies and they had to buy a new AC unit (cha ching). So while they did that, they discovered a mold problem. Are you kidding me!
*Then one kid turned out to be both lactose and soy intolerant. One kids lip turned blue while drinking formula.
*Then she got a pelvic infection.
*Holy smokes man- there were a bunch of small other things but you get the jists of things. It was a real page turner. I have 1 chapter left.
That's just plain crazy! Don't read too much stuff like that. Happy Thoughts! HAPPY THOUGHTS!!
Seriously- it was a really good book! My folks are reading it right now!
I just had a great convo with a faculty member in my new department - his triplets are in college now. He recommended The Triplet Connection as a resource he and his wife relied on with their children. The website link is
Just in case you haven't already come across it!!
Considering that they are SO high priced to begin with, it is awesome that they are working with you!!
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