Dr. Jeeeol

It is the start of a new chapter. Me, my husband, and our two boys want some babies!

My Photo
Location: Orlando, Florida, United States

I am addicted to school and don't know how to stop going (It's free). I am sooo ready to start a family with my husband and am counting down the days till it happens.I currently have two boys (age 7 and 4)who dance in backwards circles at the site of a leash.

Sunday, April 27, 2008


We are off to Vegas!!! I'll try to post from there but who knows!

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Nursery Theme Ideas...

Here is the deal. With triplets, there is a good chance you will have both girls and boys so we need a neutral theme. Originally, we were thinking of Winnie the Pooh. He is cute but I am not a huge, huge Pooh fan. My worry is that people will buy us everything Pooh- and it would be Pooh overload. Pooh is only good in moderation (there's an awkward line if read ut of context...). The room is green, and I like it. It's very neutral. So I'm thinking a cool baby monkey, tiger, and bear theme.

How hot is this?!?!:


Friday, April 25, 2008

Pregnancy Week 8

So far so good. Charles still has more symptoms than I do! The hardest part thus far is that I am normally very hands and like to do things myself, but I refuse to pick up or lift anything at work so I have all my IT guys doing that, when normally, I just do it myself. That is weird for me. Andrew says I am more like a girl now. Not sure if that is a compliment or an insult in that context! No symptoms other than peeing at night (I used to be like a camel and hardly ever had to go!).

I have also crossed over into becoming an adult. Yes, I finally sold my motorcycle helmet (off of Craigslist.com of course). Granted, I have used it as a paperweight for 6 or 7 years now! However, the guy we sold itto is a photographer and just emailed me back and offered us a free studio shoot and CD once we have the triplets. Score!!! Oh, and I have met sooo many triplet moms online and so they have all been emailing back and forth.

As for the room, I think we know what type of furniture we want. We have the design layout done. We will do some crown molding. I plan on getting 4 white 8 x 10 frames to put a prego pic of me and Chaz in and then a kid pic in each other frame. I think we have a theme but I'll get back to you on that one. Oh- and I did the math. The December date they gave me is 40 weeks. Triplet moms usually go for 32-35 weeks so in reality, I expect November (heck, even Oct is a possibility but I am feeling November).

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Room plans

Tonight we worked on room plan schematics. Now that is cool. And after much research and discussions with moms of multiples, looks like THREE cribs as opposed to one or two is the way to go. So far we are loving the site that Kathy sent us: http://www.crib4life.com/products.html We are looking at white furniture.

Chaz also did a bunch of room layout designs using Visio. I like the one on the right best. Even better news- our plan fits into the room!
Nursery layout ideas

Chaz Dad said he would come up and help us install crown molding in the room. Sweet!

So far what I am learning is how stupid educated people can be. It is amazing what people will say. I should start a collection and publish a book on it and call it What Educated Stupid People Say About Pregnancy. It ranges from dead babies to life being over. Isn't that a brilliantly smart topic.!?! Anywho, it just helps me realize why my parents never like to answer the door!

So far I am feeling fine. My main concern is how a triplet preg usually is 32-25 weeks as opposed to 40. It is like the accelerated plan! I am concerned about being put on bed rest early (b/c everyone knows that would suck for me).....but most of the new moms of multiples I have met all were fine throughout. So just in case...I am on the expedited preperation plan. Just in case I get bed rest at 5 months, I want to start getting everything done...well, now :) But then again- that is how I roll. If you are not early, you are late- and that goes for planning too! So sometime after Vegas we will pick out furniture. We will prob register in late May or June. July & August are my busy times, and then we will prob do a baby shower in September, since October/November is the main chance for bed rest. That's the update.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Let the madness begin

So yesterday I was totally fine with this while Chaz was in freak out. Today we have reversed!
I have made lots of new friends (even thru Flickr) w/ people who have triplets. What I am most unsure about is the work situation. Of course, everyone says I should stay home but seriously- hello?! We will have three kids...financially that just seems stupid to me. Plus no one before me at my work has had kids while working there so I have noooo idea how this will work. Granted, I have like 5 or 6 months of annual/sick leave accrued. But if I get a bed sentence at like 5 months....that will eat most of that time....

My other pondering thought is how the heck do you put three babies to bed? I assumed in one crib with those cool dividers I saw online....but wont they grow out of that set up in like 4 months (really- we are both tall!). So would it be wiser to just get two cribs? And if they are the cribs that are convertable to beds, if I have two but 3 kids, one kid gets screwed later! I am so going to have to figure this out with the Moms of Multiples support group I guess.

Then their is the question of feeding. I have two 'feeders.' Three kids. You do the math. This is where people tell me you rotate...okay seriously?! You cant produce that much all at once. I've got a couple of ideas on this after talking with people. Oh- I have also been told that I can fit 3 car seats in one row of my car. Cool.

Then we were pricing the FL Pre Paid. Keep in mind, that is times 3 (again, the whole job thing comes in to play). Hmmmm.

Anywho- you know, twins are usually the popular ones in school- imagine for triplets. Everyone will know them. That rocks. They can so dominate the playground ;)

Either way, I am psyched. I just want to have everything planned out and done way ahead of time.

How I found out

On Thursday, March 27th at around 1am- I woke up and just knew. Mt grandmother, who I was very close to, came to me in a dream and said "Jill, this time it worked." So I went to work and rushed home and took the test, and low and behold, the pregnancy test was positive. Well for TWO years I knew how I was going to tell Chaz. I ordered these fortune cookies and hid them in my drawer all this time- I had no idea if my message was actually in it or if they were blank. So I called up Chaz and asked if he wanted me to pick up Chinese food for dinner and he agreed. We were eating dinner, then he opened the cookie and casually glanced at it- only to notice he thought he saw his name (granted- he was thinking 'man this place is goood!"). We were thrilled. I took another test and again it was positive. I had a doc appt the next morning to really confirm it via blood test and it did!


Later that Friday, my entire family came up b/c this is where my nephew Ben wanted to have his bday party (normally we are only all able to get together at Xmas). After I told Chaz Thursday night we went to the store and bought a shirt and iron on letters and made Ben a shirt. We had him open that gift last. My sister was the 1st one to get it. It was so quiet while the rest of the family processed it- they knew but they didn't want to mistakenly say anything that might upset us! My Dad was in such shock- he didn't even want me to carry in Ben's bday cake!


The following weekend, we drove to Chaz folks house. We have been telling them we would get them a ucfLicense plate (ironically they dont make ones that read grandparent), so we got them that and two shirts to 'wear to the tailgates' and they read Proud to be a ucf Grandparent." They were psyched.

Then we started telling friends, and yesterday we told the office.

Norburn Triplets
Ironically, it is like my dog Monkee knows. Yeah- I know that sounds silly but seriously- 1st he jumped onto the bed just to give me a kiss while I was sleeping then jumped down. When I go to pee, he goes with me and gives me a kiss on the knee. He has been freakishly sweet and loving. I don't know- I think he knows.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Norburn Triplets

Norburn Triplets
Originally uploaded by drjeeeol
It's official!

Friday, April 18, 2008

My new addiction to Craigslist.com

I got the hint- I had a few people complain to me that I have stopped blogging so I am back! But keep in mind, if you don't comment, it is like talking to wall which gets boring fast! You can comment annonymously even!

Okay, this is rather shameful but I love it. We are going to Vegas soon and we all know I married a spender.
So I am trying to come up with ways to get money so we have spending money in Vegas.
That is when I turned to Craigslist.com Now I want to put everything up there!

So last nights escapade with Craigslist is rather humorous. (PS- what else is great about Craigslist is that I get to post all the crap that is in the garage- woo hoo!- Plus it is all local people so must of the time they just come over or you meet some where so no shipping). I had Chaz post his 1994 radio amp thing. Some guy contacted us who lives downtown so we met at a half way point- McDonalds. The guy brought his cute 6 month old dog but had no leash and let the dog wander around the parking lot and alongside University- you have got to be kidding me. That urked me. Other than that he seemed really nice and clean cut. However- it was super funny b/c here are Chaz and I (we arrived early b/c that's how I roll), sitting in the tailgate of my Saturn in a parking lot, selling stereo equipment. It looked so shaddy (okay, not too shaddy- it is a Saturn.....). So then the guy wanted to plug it in to make sure it works. How pimp is this- my car has normal outlets. My car rocks.

I might also be selling a chair this weekend, a helmet, and whatever else I can find. I also have a new bed extender on there that I found on the street! So that is my new addiction. Oh- and some guy named DJ PITBULL inquired about the helmet- ummmmm....not so much. I do not plan on meeting anyone referred to as pitbull. Pass!