What a Monday. I am so getting off on the wrong foot today. I even took the extra time to bust out the curling iron this morning. So I was ready to leave for work, early even. I go out to the car, and my keys are not in my purse. They are like 20 pounds of keys and do not hide easily. So I flip my purse upside down looking, no luck. My back up plan is on the dresser- and they were not there. WHAT?!?!? I never lose keys. Ares youkidding me? So then I trash the Infinity looking for them. Then the Ford. No luck. Not in the living room. My curls have totally fallen out now since I am frantic and searching in the hot garage and outside. Grrrrr! No luck. I dont want to be more late than I am now so I ask Chaz to drop me off on his way to work. MC isn't in till linch time so luckily Feli let me into my office. I had plans for the gym after work but now that I dont have a ride I have to catch a ride home w/ Chaz who has poker tonight so no gym for me. Then my boss scheduled two meetings today- over lunch time. Does he not eat? Who schedules a meeting at 11:30 (not at an eating facility)?!?!? So not cool. So my Monday blows.
Anywho, had a nice weekend. On Friday after work we had Marty, Mike, Adam, MC, Nic, Otto and Amr over for Poker. When they all play- thats my 'me' time so I got to go out roller blading and also tried out my roller sneakers. :)
On Saturday we went to the seminole town mall to take advantage of the tax free weekend for chaz and got like $350 worth of clothes for him for about $90. Thats my kind of shopping. We also went to BJs, Walmart, etc. Nothing too eventful. Met the phanstiels at sonnys. We dropped the truck off at sound advice to get the stereo junk installed. Thats all Chaz- its a boy thing, I dont get it.
Sunday was mega clean up day. I vacummed, cleaned, dusted, 4 loads of laundry, cleans the bathroom floor boards, cleaned both toilets, bleached the shower, trimmed the hedges, etc. Then we met Pete and Bethany for lunch at Quiznos. Came home and did more house stuff. Chaz installed those window cover vent things onto the truck. Then we met Pete and Bethany for dinner and ended up seeing The Simpsons movie. It was okay. I would have preferred it on DVD.
Thats all for now.I'll be frantically searching for my keys this evening!