Dr. Jeeeol

It is the start of a new chapter. Me, my husband, and our two boys want some babies!

My Photo
Location: Orlando, Florida, United States

I am addicted to school and don't know how to stop going (It's free). I am sooo ready to start a family with my husband and am counting down the days till it happens.I currently have two boys (age 7 and 4)who dance in backwards circles at the site of a leash.

Saturday, June 30, 2007


Originally uploaded by drjeeeol
So I finished the laundry room. OMG what a bear that was. I had to pull a Gumby to bend around all of the pipes and behind the AC unit and to get the shelving down. Ugh. Then I learned it would take at least two coats to cover up the previous stencil work- the one near the ceiling of course! But alas, it is done. It went from a dirty off white to a tranquil serenity blue. It feels good to have it all cleaned in there- I even cleaned out the inside of the washer machine (those get dirty for being a washer....)!I mopped behing the washer/dryer. It is hospital clean in there.

Today they installed the granite. We are almost there! I flippin LOVE it. Pics later. The granite has to settle for like 24 or 48 hours. Tomorrow the plumber will install the appliances and drains, etc. Monday we will have our final glass cabinet doors arrive. More soon!

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Pimp my ride?

Originally uploaded by drjeeeol
So here is our new mack daddy golfcart. I would like to add a Jaguar emblem to the front hood. Might be hard to find an appropriate pegasus......Hmmm- maybe I can get the emblem for the new Nitro car for it.....

Wednesday, June 27, 2007


Originally uploaded by drjeeeol
This is one of the flowers in my window garden. I love how it has a star popping out of it!

What was I thinking?!?!?

Originally uploaded by drjeeeol
So here is the deal.
My house is upside down with the kitchen remodel. You know how I feel about mess. So I needed some control in my life so I decided I need a new project to tackle this weekend since the kitchen won't be done till next week. So I figured I will paint the laundry room. So far I painted the white trim on the door. I think I have decided on a color for the walls. Laundry rooms are small and this should be easy, right? Ummm no. I will probably have to use primer over the design template the previous owner used and then take down all of the shelving and blue tape everything and paint BEHIND that AC unit thingee and AROUND all the wiring and pipes and move the washer/dryer.........Crap. I should have taken up knitting. Ha- and Mike Rowe thinks he has a diirty job!

Speaking of Mike Rowe- how fabulous was the Dirty Jobs episode last night w/ their hysterical shameful plug for Ford F150s at the end!?!?!? Love it!

All is well at work but mad busy- its the end of fiscal budget year and all my grant expenditures are due by Friday even though the program doesnt even start till July (umm yeah - nuff said).
But then again, I love madness :)

Yes I take pics of my dog sleeping

Originally uploaded by drjeeeol
Come on! How cute is this?!?! He even has his paw covering his eye to avoid the paparazzi (me). Maybe that's a dogs way of flicking me off. Hmmmm.


Originally uploaded by drjeeeol
So I went to take a cute pic of Monkee and I snuck up on him only to find him chewing on a long frog carcass. Ewwww!

Pure bliss

Originally uploaded by drjeeeol
So this is Tiger enjoying the beautiful weather and chasing his brother. What a cutie!

Monday, June 25, 2007

Summer time = home improvements

Originally uploaded by drjeeeol
Our home is a construction zone. We had security lights installed, sensor lights out front installed, new outlets installed in the garage, power run out to the pool to add lights out there, the kitchen remodel is really coming along, and tomorrow we will be 'fitted for granite' so that they can cut it. They will also be installing all of the lighting tomorrow. Thats what I am really anxious for. But it is all coming along. The mess has me pulling my hair out but soon I will get to organize it all again!

Friday, June 22, 2007

The male brothel house

Today I stayed home for the kitchen demolition. Pictures will be coming, no worries.
First after Chaz left, Steve the demolition man appears. He was a charachter w/ ripped jean shorts (the pockets were nearly torn completely off and everytime he bent over he would expose his tighty white undies). Then Josh and Billy the electricians show up. Shortly after they get started two or 3 of their buds come to assist them. It is 95 degrees out so they are all topless. Then the two delivery men show up to drop off the boxes of new cabinet in the garage. Then Mike R. shows up to pick up the cabinets. Then Jon the 1/2 naked lawn guy and his weed eater buddy come and do the lawn. It looked like I was running a male brothel here!
So the demolition is done. Oh is it crazy to watch walls come down in your home. I spent forever shop vacuuming the mess and mopping. Running a male brothel is messy- boys track mud in and all. After massive cleaning (despite the house still being is a disarray w/ the dining room and living room serving as a temp kitchen...), I also weeded/gardened/edged in the backyard in this blistering heat. I hurt all over. I think we will go out to dinner & then I will pass out. :)

Thursday, June 21, 2007

The graphic and gory details :)

So today I had another appointment at the specialist. The appointments are very complicated b/c they have to be for example, on day 8-10 etc.
So Tuesday I had all my blood work done and today was the HSG test. I think thats what its called. I get there with Chaz and get this- they lost my appointment and were full.
Obviously the only way to change their mind is some tears but people who know me know I am missing tear ducts or something- I just don't do that. Crap. So Chaz pulls this embrace thing which makes it totally look like I am crying- I wanted to but I wasnt! He is so smooth. Long story short- we get in.
So I go in the room alone b/c x-rays are involved & they dont let other people in. I see on the table contraptions I have never even seen before. i am kicking myself for not bringing my camera phone in w/ me b/c words cannot describe the horror I saw. First i saw this needle, a needle the size of my forearm.
Needle holder


Then this cross of salad tongs/scissors lookin thing- and a bunch of other stuff. So I figured since I am a squeezed in appt that stuff must be for the next person or something. Um yeah- I was wrong. So I am in the normal OB GYN position. Its very dark in there. The doctor tells me to cough. Cough? But he is no where near my lungs....what the heck. So I cough and cough. Turns out it was a distraction technique of some sort so I wouldnt notice that ginormous needle.

Holy smokes! Are you kidding me. Pass out factor of 9! So then he is moving things around and what not and then sets off this balloon thing in there. A balloon- a balloon in my whoHa!?!?!?!? I was so not expecting that and almost fell off the table. That was the freakiest thing. Oh wait- there is more. Then came the injection of dye. Oh my gosh. You could feel it travel through your tubes- thats right ladies- like a little ripple of current- IN your tubes. Eeeeek. Nothing is blocked so that is cool. Long story short- that was freaky.

Best invention ever

Originally uploaded by drjeeeol
So this automatic dog feeder rocks! It feeds the dogs twic e a day (they each have their own) and it measures precise amounts. I can sleep in and not worry about the dogs being hungry. Fantastic!

camo tree

Originally uploaded by drjeeeol
This tree is outside of Chaz window. I think it is so cool- very military-ish.

The Kitchen

Last night we took out about 90% of the stuff in the kitchen since the demolition starts tomorrow.
You can see in this pic how the old cabinets have a pink hue to them. Not cool - esp when your kitchen is green. This aint Sterling Casino!

This is the sink faucet we chose. It matches the stainless steel appliances. The sink will be in layed underneath the granit so you wont see the sterling silver base of the faucet at all. The faucet thing comes out and it also has a soap dispenser.


Here is an example of a similar handle we selected. Also the granite which you can see is darker than the old counter top and has cool specs in it.


Here is an example of the pendant lights that we searched high and low for.


So i tried to get a pic of the haircut I did on Tiger but he wouldn't stay still so here is what you get. It is the best I have done so far on him! Very 'even' for the most part and much cooler for this heat.


For the tail I like it smooth for most of it and then a big puff ball at the end. It's hot.

Look how slim and trim he is now! He lost over 10 pounds and has a trendy haircut!

Wednesday, June 20, 2007


Originally uploaded by drjeeeol
I am so happy with my pen order! I ordered these from Threadmill (because they rock at everything they make). It has our department identifyer on it as well as our website. Its school colors, has a cushy rubber area for your grip, and each one came with a lovely felt carry case.

Yesterday was the longest day ever!

So yesterday I had to get blood work done. You know the drill- fasting, hunger, etc. Well I had two workshops at Rollins that day, starting at 9am. MC was scheduled to go to the afternoon one with me so I gave her the morning off to sleep in. So everyone knows I love a good schedule. So I got to the lab for blood work at devil 7:15am in case there was a long wait I could still make it to Rollins well before 9am. So I waited 45 minutes and ghot in at 8am. They stick that needle in my arm- the kind where the tube can be switched out and filled up 7 times. Oh joy. So I am thinking I am done. Ummm no. Apparently a glucphage or whatever test takes 2 ½ hours. Holy smokes. I had to stay and get blood drawn every 25 minutes. I look like a junkie! Then after the 1st one they gave me this orange sugar water concoction and say to me "I hate to do this to you, but you have to drink this." So I love sugar. So she turns around and I chucked it in a minute and she turns around and sees that and says "Holy smokes, most people just sip it- ummmm you better sit down.' WHAT?!?!? What did she give to me!?!?!? Eeeek. She then said I should send my ride home to come back and get me in a few hours when we are done. Was I supposed to have a ride? Schnikes! So I called up MC and asked her to fill in for me at my workshop. I felt like such a jerk! I am so mean. I will give her a ½ day today.

But wait- the day gets even better.

So after the hours of blood work (I have never ever given so much blood at one time!), I drove out to Rollins. I met up w/ MC and we ate at a trendy outdoor restaurant on park Ave. The food was eh but the atmosphere and company was fabulous. We then went to the 2nd workshop. It was about promotional marketing. Um yeah- I could have taught the class better than the lady there. I spent the class passing notes to MC and I ended up leaving an hour early. So today I got a call from Rollins and they apologized for the workshop being so bad that they were refunding our $ and sending us a voucher for a different workshop of our choice. Sweet!

So after the workshops, I had my final presentation for class. talk about a long day. At least it was in my bldg. I had to do all the technology set up for everyone. And we had a speaker. That was retchid. My presentation went fabulous. Class was supposed to end at 8:30 and it went till 9:06 plus it was raining. It was the never ending day. Geeeez.

My student asst is working out well. I have her working on a new design layout for my summer camp. She is really creative and fast!

I got slightly bamboozled at school. This class I was in was supposed to be 2 credit hours but the prof messed up and it is only 1. So I have to sign up for it again for summer B but not do anything (whtat an ideal class!). I hope my tuition voucher will cover it still.....I have to go walk over and turn in the teacher evals from last night. Guess I will swing by the cashiers office while I am over there.

Tonight I will start packing up the kitchen. Thats the news. Tomorrow I get injected with dyes. Oh the excitement!

Sunday, June 17, 2007

This takes the cake

Originally uploaded by drjeeeol
So Chaz folks sent this pic to him via cell phone. Now that is something you dont see everyday!


Originally uploaded by drjeeeol
Brotherly love. Monkee would be mortified if he knew people saw him being sweet :o


Originally uploaded by drjeeeol
Amy took this pic while we were bowling. Such form! I should try out for the bowling olympics.

Now this is funny

Originally uploaded by drjeeeol
Monkee loves to watch TV.


Originally uploaded by drjeeeol
So who would wake up one day and say Golly Gee- I should open a hotel surrounded by fruit and with a ginormous pineapple on the side....ah tourist side of town.

For the kitchen

Originally uploaded by drjeeeol
This is an example of the glass I chose for the kitchen cabinet :)

For Rob & Lisa

Originally uploaded by drjeeeol
While at the Verizon store, we took this pic. Red shows the cell phone coverage in GA. We are placing bets that the one white spec of no coverage is where the wedding will be ;)


Today was a productive day.
Chaz & I woke up and drove out to Melbourne to meet his folks at Smokey Bones.
From there we ended up looking at model homes for kitchen ideas (& its free entertainment). Holy smokes- we found a neigborhood that was one smidgen away from having us sign on the dotted line. It is Oviedo but a lil closer to Geneva. Oh was that fun though.
Last night after Longhorn Chaz and I continued our date at a movie. We saw Knocked Up. I love Katherine Heigl as an actress. The best part of the movie was learning the true transmission of pink eye ;)
After model home shopping Chaz and I came home and swam in the pool.
A dead bird fell out of the sky and landed in my gardenia bush so Chaz was all manly and disposed of it into the woods and then he cleaned the pool and I shaved down Tiger. I am getting so much better at that now.
5 days till the demolition begins in our kitchen.
We are givin our old upper cabinets to Mike R in exchange for help reinstalling the appliances and what not. With the demolition starting on Friday I will prob take off of work for the dogs.
Laundry is done, more later!

Saturday, June 16, 2007

food and cars

Last night we got to try some place new for dinner. We went for Cuban food at Rolando's. It was fabulous. I will so be going back there! At work for lunch, we went to Roay Thai for Jessie's going away lunch. I am not a big Thai fan but i will admit- their wonton soup is cooler than Chinese wonton soup.

We just got back from the Mercury dealership. I was so expecting to get hosed for the 50,000 mile check up but apparently they do it at 60,000 miles so I have time still to sell my car before that happens.So far today has consisted of Lowes & Home Depot laboring over lighting choices and also stopping by the Nissan dealership to explore options. Now we are off to get Chaz a haircut.
Thats the news.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

todays scoop

Guess who is engaged?
Heather Weible & Justin. He proposed in Key West and they are thinking about a May wedding and are undecided between FL & IL. I vote for where they got engaged!

Lets discuss what a butt Billy Donovan is for leaving the Orlando Magic high and dry and signing a contract and after all those people bought season tickets b/c of him and now they are stuck with them. What a jerk.

Sigh- it is time for the 50,000 mile check up for my car. Do you have any idea how expensive one of those are? Ugh. It's $700 at least. What a kick in the pants. I was thinking I could hold out a while but of course, then my oil light and other buttons did the warning so now I have to do it. Plus if I want to keep my Free tires for life thing, I have to do it. So alas, I will be doing that this Saturday, the weekend before the construction of the kitchen begins. Timing of that sucks!

Yesterday was an interesting lunch. I went with my boys to Oviedo Fazzolis. The AC turned on and blew all this black stuff into Feli's food. Whaaat!?!?! So then, we had to swing by the former chair of psychology's house to pick up 16 boxes of books for the book drive we run. So of course, guess where these boxes of hundreds of books are? Upstairs. Atop a thin wooden stairwell. Are you kidding me?! So we construct 3 pieces of ply wood and stack them from end to end on the stairs to form a chute system. 2/16 of the boxes well...they didnt make it! So then we are in a rush to beat this terrential down pour and we go to the storage unit. The manager there is beyond special and is always messing with our account. I push in our code and the gate wont open. Are you kidding me?! So I go to the office and the sign says she will be back in one hour. WHAT!?! So then we try to crack the code and that doesnt work ugh! So a van pulls up and we let him pass. Now picture us, in our honors shirts that clearly state where we all work, and a truck full of boxes of books. So the van drives past us and we were going to follow him in but he stops and wont let us in. Are you kidding me!?!? We explained to him our situation and he was like "No, you might be robbers and I wouldnt want my stuff stolen." Granted- I understand you shouldnt let people follow you in to these places. But come on- its about to rain, the manager is not there, our place of employment is on our shirt, and we have a truck full of full boxes- if we had an empty truck then yes- we would look questionable.....So annoyed. We hate to wait for the crazy woman to show up. So ridiculous.

As for the baby front, dont expect anything till a few months from now. I have some appointments for over the summer. I know this is going to sound so horrible, but it is very hard being around babies for me right now- it makes me so sad. I know that Woo understands what I am talking about . Its like this whole other club I didnt even know existed. This club sucks. You have no idea how hard it is to go into these appointments and be surrounded by pregnant people and see all the pictures on the wall. Really- you have no idea.

In other news, we got the dogs weights down. Monk is now a slim and trim 50 pounds- his ideal weight. Tiger weighed in at like 81 pounds, much better than his 92 pounds 3 weeks ago.
The kitchen demolition starts next Friday. We also have electricians coming out to do some stuff. I will have people on the inside AND outside of the house so I will probably have to take the day off and go take the dogs on an adventure!
Tuesday I have a final and will be done with classes for the summer. Woo hoo!

Monday, June 11, 2007

extraordinary lil girl

So Chaz and I got sucked in to this documentary about this girl w/ Treacher Collins syndrome. She was basically born without a face. She has the strongest parents in the universe and a beautiful big sister who helps her out. Here is the story links:



Sunday, June 10, 2007


Today we had lunch w/ Amy & the Phanstiels at Chillis. Afterwards, Amy went back to GA and Chaz & I went to Home Depot. I am now fully converted to Lowes. What should have taken 4 minutes at Home Depot took well over an hour. Ugh. Anywho, we have out hardware (handles for drawers/cabinets) picked out. We also bought a fantastic new faucet for the sink. I feel like Tom Hanks in The Money Pitt though.
Below are some pics from Saturday.

This pic is sooo Florida.

Here is another Florida classic photo:

And how funny is this!?

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Top reasons why Gatorland rocks

1. Where else can you go and carry around a bag of weiners without looking like a freak?

2. Where else can you drive a monster truck?

3. Where else can you take wacky pics like this one?

4. Where else can you see Bubba dangle his arm dangerously close to attract a gator to eat this chicken in order to win a competition?

5. How often do you and an old roomie get to sit with a gator and a snake on them?

6. Where else can you go to see a nice guy wrestle a gator with his chin for minimum wage?

7. Where else can Amy lure birds w/ pieces of hotdogs dangerously close to alligators and crocs....?


8. Where else can you find a cool kiddie playground only a few steps away from gator breeding and marshes?....

9. Now really- where else can you see a cool unicorn goat?

10. Where else can you experience such hot romance?

The weekend

I invited Amy over for the weekend and she showed up on Thursday :) She has a new car- an HHR. Its black and looks like a morph of a PT Cruiser and a hearse (in a good way). She got here and we went bowling. Everyone prob thought we were 'together.' It was rather amusing.

On Friday I woke up butt early and drove out to my sisters hotel. The 4 of us went to Disney (Magic Kingdom). Ben wasn't too interested in it- he preferred to look for lady bugs (how devastating for my sister!!!). I hadnt walked that long in forever. The lines there were ridiculous but we had a good time. Ib and Ben were the 1st to drop and left early. I couldnt keep up w/ my sis and ended up taking a bus back to the hotel and driving back. We then had people over at our house. Tons of pics up on the Flickr account.

On Saturday I went w/ Amy and Chaz to Gatorland. Now that place rocks! Amy bought a ginamorous bag of hotdogs that she carried around and gave to the gators. It rocked. Then we came home and swam in the pool then had people over for a bbque.
More soon.


Originally uploaded by drjeeeol
It is June & I found out what Santa does as a side job! He climbs up my roof at work!

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

What a story

So I caught the tail end of a Kelly Ripa Biography and get this- her sister was 8 months pregnant and got hit by a teenage drunk driver.
While the crash left the drunk driver with minor injuries, her sister Linda and the baby she was carrying had absorbed almost all of the impact. Linda's nose was broken, her sternum was broken in several places, her back was broken in three places, her pelvis was broken in five places and the bones of her right ankle and foot were so shattered that they had twisted around to the inside of her leg. Worse yet, her unborn child went into a coma in utero because Linda's broken pelvic bones smashed into his head. I Googled it for more info: http://www.madd.org/news/0,1056,2549,00.html

It talks about how ridiculous the court system was and tried protecting the teenager and blaming the Linda b/c it 'wouldn't have happened if she had not been out driving at that time or at that intersection.' WHAAAT!?!

So if you think you are having a bad day- think about her.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

What a poop of a day

So get ready for this unjustice.
We drove ALL the way out to the evil tourist side of town to go to Jungle Jim's to get a beloved Spudmania. We arrive only to find out it has closed. For good. WHHHAT!?!?!? Is nothing sacred anymore? So then we went to my 2nd choice (Pebbles) and the same thing there. Ugh! So I had gift cards to Macaroni Grill so we ate there.

Why were we on that side of town? We drove out to the crazy industrial area to narrow down our final slab selection of granite. We had to do a little off roading with all of the detours. Schnikes that is a stressful drive.

I was also at the doc today for my annual exam. He asked me when the last time I had my liver checked. What the heck is he talking about? Who gets that checked? So I said never and he was like "WHAAAT? YOur previous doctor didnt tell you had to get that checked often b/c of the Metformin?" Um yeah- that would be a no. Is my liver going to disintegrate? WTF?! So he sent me immediately next door to get tests done. Yeah him.

That was my day.

Monday, June 04, 2007

Nothing exciting to blog about

I have been purposely slacking on the blog this week. Home improvements does not seem like an exciting topic.
Work has been interesting to say the least- but I prefer not to blog that info.
Over the weekend we went to the granite slab wharehouse. We have to go to a different one this week. They had 550 to choose from and closed in 45 minutes. We told them our price range in which they responded "Oh, we have 6 to choose from." Like I said, not real good blog material this week!
We also went to some glass places to figure out what kind of glass to get for the kitchen cabinets that will be installed in 3 weeks. Do you know how scary a glass store is when everything in it is made of glass and you have to pick up piles of square pieces of glass and hope not to trip?! Geeez. We also looked at hardware for the cabinets (handles). Schnikes there is a ton to choose from. We cleaned the pool and hot tub. Did some house stuff. Did some HW.
Went and saw Pirates 3.
Went in a journey for an all stainless (affordable-ish) grill and got one so Chaz n Mike put that together.
Now that summer is here, it is shed season for the dogs. I can brush off a Pomeranian sized hairball off of them.
This week is orientation and I just worked a 13 hour day and the last 4 hours of it were talking to about 500 parents. I eat that stuff up though- they have empty nest syndrome and want to know everything about the university and throw tons of trivia and just flat out grill me. It rocks. However, and this so use to be so insultive to me- I always get asked by the parents when they see the Dr. on my name tag "How old are you?" Come on. I am not even wearing a pony tail. And of course, the runner up question "What's your major?" But I guess there are more serious problems to have.
So there you have it. I told you , not much excitement to report. Chaz is at the Tech Ed conference this whole week.

I will depart on this note:
At Three minutes and Four seconds after 2 AM on June 5th this year, The time and date shall be 02:03:04 05/06/07.This will never happen again.