1. Where were you 1 hour ago? In the hot tub and pool with Chuckstar :) under the stars.
2. Who will be your next kiss? Chuckstar, Monkee or Tiger.....Chances are Chuckstar.
3. What is the largest amount of money you spent in one store? Oh geeez. Wedding dress? No wait- appliances and furniture so either Ashley Furnitre or Sears....a couple grand.
4. Where did you go on your last date? Um...GA Girl was my date to my bosses house last night followed by Fairavilla! Does hot tub count as date night?
5. When is the last time you went to the mall? Thursday of last week and I got to push the stroller :)
6. Are you wearing socks right now? Just got out of the shower so no socks on, or anything on other than my watch :o
7. When was the last time you drove out of town? Last week.
8. Have you been to the movies in the last 5 days? No- the movies come to me :)
9. . What are you wearing right now? A watch.
10. Do you wash your car or let the car wash do it? I have people for that ;) It gets washed at the car wash but I detail the inside myself.
11. Last fast food you ate? I cooked pasta and had slices of apple in caramel sauce.
12. Where were you Friday night? Had a graduation party here at the house. It rocked.
13. Have you bought any clothes in the last week? My momma bought me a skirt and blouse :) The week before that I got a cool tee that reads Trust Me, I'm a Doctor.
14. When is the last time you ran? Thursday- I ran from Miami.....It's FL. It is too hot to run. We swim here. Otherwise I'd have to say during tennis.
15. What's the last sporting event you watched? Monster Truck shows live. On TV I watch supercross stuff.
16. What is your favorite class?I loved my sign language class. Self defense class rocked. Shoot- I even liked Theatre Survey. Yes- I loved my electives best.....
17. Your dream vacation? Peace Lodge in Costa Rica. Royal Carribbean trips. I love the Keys....
18. Last persons house you were in?Two strangers. I went in a Open House w/ GA Girl and then a strangers house who is interested in the Infinity.
19. How old are your parents?My mom is 64 & 65 I believe.
20. Are you in love?Yes.
21. Do you miss anyone? Yes.I think all my friends should live within 5 miles from me :)
22. Last play you saw? Mama Mia
23 What are your plans for tonight? Date night at home w/ my man in the hottub.
24. Who is the last person you sent a message to on myspace?I Not a fan of myspace- facebook is way cooler.
25. Ever go to camp?Never- but now I am in charge of one.
26. Were/are you an honor roll student in school?Always.Now I am in charge of that stuff!
27. What do you want to know about the future? When and how many kids we will have.
28. Are you wearing any perfume or cologne?Nope- just a watch.
29. Are you hungry?No.Went to ShoGun and also cooked 2nite!
30. Where is your best friend located? Which one.....
31. Who is your best friend? My man, My sister, Amy, Abi, Nicole, Lisa, Lynn, Monkee.........I have a coupple homies out there- cant give a shout out to everyone though- sorry peeps!
32. Do you have a tan?No. The devil sun is bad for you.
33. How old do you want to be when you have kids? I was just waiting for us to have the degrees under the belts- we are ready now!
34. Do you collect anything?I have a secret coin collection.....
35. Last time you got stopped by a cop or pulled over? I got pulled over in a golf cart...The cop was in the wrong though.
36. Have you ever drank your soda from a straw?Yes.Is that weird?
37. How do you like your drinks?Cold. And in fancy glasses before bed.
38. Do you like hot sauce? I prefer Sonnys sweet sauce.
39. Last time you took a shower? few hours ago.
40. Do you need to do laundry?No way- I am OCD. It is done.
41. What is your heritage? German, Russian, European, Iowan ;) all sorts o stuff.
42. Are you someones best friend? I think so.
43. Are you rich? Not this week- that is for sure! I am rich with love though.