Dr. Jeeeol

It is the start of a new chapter. Me, my husband, and our two boys want some babies!

My Photo
Location: Orlando, Florida, United States

I am addicted to school and don't know how to stop going (It's free). I am sooo ready to start a family with my husband and am counting down the days till it happens.I currently have two boys (age 7 and 4)who dance in backwards circles at the site of a leash.

Thursday, November 30, 2006

a new one of those

Saw this on Woo's blog and it looked like fun.

1. Explain what ended your last relationship.Didn't want to live in Alaska by myself (he is a Marine) while raising wolves.....

2. When was the last time you shaved?Geeez- personal! Last night.

3. What were you doing this morning at 8 a.m.?Logging on to my work computer and wondering where the other 90% of my staff were....

4. Are you any good at math?I seem to get by just fine, although I do hate math- but anyone who had to take three 7000 level stat classes in a row can attest to that.

5. Your prom night, what do you remember about it?Other than it sucked? My boss at the drycleaners hooked me up w/ a dress and then made matching sequins to the dress on my shoes. He even offered to let me take his convertable MG!

6. Do you have any famous ancestors?I am hoping to be that famous one! I do have an ancestor w/ an odd name like Kunigoonda....

7. Have you had to take a loan out for school?No- I have brilliant parents who were able to put my bro through 9 years of school, my sis through a BS and MS, and me. My job paid for most of the doctoral program, rock on.Yeah for financially brilliant parents.

8. Last thing received in the mail?Hundreds of pounds of desk furniture? !

9. How many different beverages have you had today?2- Sprite and water.

10. Do you ever leave messages on people's answering machines?Its the only way to get my folks to pick up the phone. Leaving voicemail is cool. No shame here.

11. Who did you lose your CONCERT virginity to?I totally dont recall - I went to one in HS. They were big. Boy Band. Poop- I'm old- I dont remember. I did go to a Garth Brooks concert in college. I dont do a lot of concerts....

12. Do you draw your name in the sand when you go to the beach?I have in the past, but I prefer burying my feet and making sand castles. My bro and sis use to make the biggest holes in the beach. Hmm now that I think of it- I think it was to put me in them so they could go play without me!

13. What's the most painful dental procedure you've ever had?In Miami when I had two wisdom or was it molars pulled. The novicaine did not take effect until after they were out and I just remember feeling everything and gripping onto that chair and wanted to die- and of course they wouldnt come out and they had to saw them into 4 pieces each and then jimmy each piece out.

14. What is out your back door? A pool and then a river. Its pretty bad a*s.

15. Any plans for Friday night?Been turning down lots of offers so we can put a desk together...

16. Do you like what the ocean does to your hair?After I get out of the ocean? When it's dry and salty and tangled? I think not.

17. Have you ever received one of those big tins of 3 different popcorns?YES. The caramel and the chedder is the best.

18. Have you ever been to a planetarium?Sure have, both parents are librarians.

19. Do you re-use towels after you shower?They get cleaned every week.

20. Some things you are excited about? Finishing assembling all of these desk parts! Holidays. The next Mike Rowe episode....

21. What is your favorite flavor of Jell-O? Ooooh all. Red, orange and yellow are goooood.

22. Describe your keychain.Heavy. Like 9 keys on it, on a school lanyard, 2 car remotes. Nothin excitin.

23. Where do you keep your change?In the couch like everyone else.

24. When was the last time you spoke in front of a large group of people?At todays luncheon.

25. What kind of winter coat do you own?I have a tan coat that has a furryish lining. I also have ucf jackets of course and a wonderful hoooodie.

26. What was the weather like on your graduation day?It was great weather for all of them. Yeah FL!

27. Do you sleep with the door to your room open or closed? Open so the dogs can pee or kill any intruders :)

What a Day

So today I had a luncheon with the VP of Animal Training for Sea World. This guy rocked!
I love when they are punctual and have an electrifying personality right as they walk in. So guess who called him as I was giving him the tour of my building?
Jack Hannah! Are you kidding me with the coolness?!?!? Jack is gonna be on CNN tonight and was calling for advice about what to say about the SeaWorld San Diego incident that happened last night http://www.cnn.com/2006/US/11/29/killer.whale/index.html

I have also gotten myself into a situation. That student of ours who died, I am planning the memorial service. The family does not want a religious figure to do it so long story short, its all me. I'm a bit nervous about this but it needs to be done so I will do it on Monday at 4pm. Eeeek.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

So proud

Chaz is still in Iowa.
Today I realized that I have never put together a large piece of furniture by myself. Three decades and not one big ole piece of furniture (okay, so maybe I am watching too much Dirty Jobs w/ Mike Rowe but it makes me happy).
So I was eyeing all that furniture of Chaz' that arrived and is sitting in boxes in the hallway.
Today was the day. I would put something together. Now mind you I felt my doctoral degree verification was riding on this feat. By golly I had to get this done. So I chose the filing cabinet (over the L shaped desk or the hutch).
Probably not the best idea....I didn't realize all of the rolling mechanisms and fancy crap that goes along with it. Schnikes. I got to bust out some power tools. My whole body is sore. Oh and its a HEAVY wood desk set- not hollow aluminum or anything!
I'm gonna sleep good tonight.
I'd say it was a 6 hour job.
Otto came over to join me the last hour or two. Together we validated our degrees.

Otto also cooked dinner for me & Nicole. Dang let me tell you- that was one of the best home cooked recipes I have ever had! And he did so while wearing a cool preppy vest. Otto rocks.

Snow White & the Seven Dwarfs

Snow White & the Seven Dwarfs
Originally uploaded by drjeeeol.
I forgot to post this from my last trip down South.
As most of you know- my Dad use to work as a childrens director.
Their new house in the guest bedroom has an intricately painted MURAL of Snow White, her prince, and the 7 dwarfs. My Dad loves it. I think its what sold them on the house (aside from location).
Now that you dont see everyday!

Monday, November 27, 2006

Redneck Gangsta?!?!

Redneck Gangsta?!?!
Originally uploaded by drjeeeol.
I was at the Hunting Camp on Thanksgiving.
Had to shoot me some turkeys.
Okay not really- I was shooting at a paper target.
Don't worry- no paper targets were injured in the filming of this picture.

What a site

So Chaz is in Iowa and I get home from class late and guess what I come home to (all by myself mind you)?

All of his office furniture arrived in boxes and were left on the front door.
Schnikes. We are talking hundredS of pounds of wood.
That was fun.
Mondays suck.

Quick hello

At work we had a student death. Those stink- esp the day before Thanksgiving. Ouch. 2 out of the decesased students 3 roommates are my most involved congress kids.
So I got to start planning a memorial service again. I will have it next Monday in the garden.

I am on my way to our last symposium shin dig. I have to rush immediately from that to my class with all of the stuff for my presentation. That is frazzling.

Is anyone else stressed out about x-mas shopping? I am so afraid to forget someone.

Chaz' flight to Iowa got delayed due to bad weather. He will be at the airport for at least 5 hours.

Just had time for a minute update. I'll post more later.

Friday, November 24, 2006

Weekend Update thus far

So we FINALLY ate at Texas De Brazil.
DAAAAAAANG that was good eating. It was absolutely sinfully good! Esp w/ a 50% off coupon. These young bBrazillian men walk around w/ ginormous skewers of meat such as bacon wrapped filet, lamb, sirloin, chicken, etc and if you have your chip on green, they bring you more- endless amounts- they stop when you flip your chip to red. Way worth the drive out to I-Drive. The salad bar was huge and had lobster bisk. We went w/ Yvette and Mary. Crazy good food.

For turkey day Chaz & I drove out to the Narcoossee area to the hunting camp to meet his folks. They have that big thanksgiving feast at the lodge out there for all of the leasers. I'd say about 30 people were there and of course such good food. We also got to go to the shooting range. I'll try to post pics later.

I had a burr up my butt about going on a massive cleaning rampage at the house- one to make any OCD person proud. I did every closet, every drawer, every container of containers, the file cabinet- you name it.

So today was what they call Black Friday. Amy would be so proud. Chaz convinced me to go out shopping with him. We woke up at 5am ish and were at Stapes at 5:59am. Are you kidding me with this madness?
We got some mad deals though. We bought the L shaped desk for the back room (arrives Tues) and the hutch was free (normally at least $200) and we got the $200 chair for like $60 and we got a file cabinet. We got a $100 shredder for like 40. For x-mas I got chaz the 22 inch flat screen monitor- it was about $500 on sale for maybe $350 plus like a $100 rebate but then they rang us up wrong so in reality I think we got the $500 monitr for $100. Granted we went to 3 Staples for this deal (or was it Circuit City... shoot- prob CC, they all blend together). We went to sooooooooo many stores. Anyone else find good deals? We started some x-mas shoppin. We got Ben Over the Hedge and I am lookin for a gas station for him on line.

Not sure if I'll put up x-mas lights. I bought a small real (x-mas)tree. It fits on my table... It has red bows.
Thats all for now.

Brilliant idea

So you know how as the holidays approach how people ask you what is on your list but if you tell everyone what is on your list- how will they know if someone already got it.

As a solutin- I think we should all be brilliant individuals and go to Bed Bath Beyond or Target and sign up on the wedding registry. Now thats what I'm talking about.
I will do it if someone does it with me! I hate this guessing game madness!

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

The Turkey Plan

I am curious as to what everyone is doing for Thanksgiving. Our plan is to meet Chaz' folks over at the hunting camp down by Narcoossee. They have a super cool shin dig out there where all the people bring stuff and there are tons and tons of fabulous things to eat. It is hard to find sitters over holiday breaks so we decided not to travel - the 2 dogs might be a lot for those non-dog owner family members to handle....I do plan on getting a family photo on this trip! That is the goal.
Friday we are planning on buying a desk and some x-mas gifts.
Saturday is a home game. I think it is the last home game...not sure- so chances are we will go to that.
Sunday I need to work on my presentation.
Today we have a meeting after work with our financial advisor in downtown Orlando. Following that we are meeting Yvette (and Mary) somewhere for dinner.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Killing Time

So I am waiting at Gators Dockside with no Internet access L so I am killing time on this Word Doc. Chaz and Yvette are having a business meeting. I am typing and trying not to listen. They are at the comparing game plan stage, working out account stuff, website design, etc. Yvette’s super cool. It’d be cool if she bought the house down the street from us (okay she is not looking and I am just rambling).
Yesterday we went looking at SUVs. We are not looking really- I just like to look when we are not desperate in need so that we can get a good deal and let me tell ya- right now there are no good deals to be had. We looked at the Yukon, Tahoe, and Expedition. Yukon drove the best.Same dang car as the Tahoe though. What I love about the Expedition though is the back- they have the push button back door and seats (which align flat in the back), and of course- that baby seat that comes up to the center- LOVE IT! But unfortunately, the Expedition is very square and plastic on the inside. Chaz would get sick of that fast. Why can’t Ford and GMC combine and get it right!?I want the front inside of the GMC or Tahoe with the back inside of the Expedition.

On a different note, I was chatting with one of my former luncheon speakers who is a reproductive specialist (he just moved to Maryland). He mentioned that IVF (invitro fertilization) costs 20 grand for 6 installments. Holy canolie! If after 6 tries you get all your money back (uh- yeah- I would hope so).

Thoughts to Ponder

Remember back when you were in grades K-12 all the different careers you wanted to be in?
I remember in elementary school that I wanted to be a lawyer (or maybe that’s what my family wanted). Oh- before that it was total ballerina (but you have to be like 4 ft 11 to make it in that biz!). As I got older I realized I couldn’t stand politics and all the related BS. Then all throughout middle school I wanted to be an accountant. Oh how I loved the monotony of that and the organization. But alas, I had no money and it just wasn’t fun to follow small change. So I scratched that idea. Through out K-12 I grew up w/ a friend named Tim Hill who has a degenerative case of Cp and or muscular dystrophy. He was my bud and I would protect him from the bullies. It was a cool friendship (I was bigger than everyone). I will skip all of the details. Anywho- he is what sparked my interest in special ed. That showed me I liked education. However, I hated the BS of the K-12 teachers who would show up unmotivated, late, drunk, were sleeping around- just not the environment for me. Then I saw higher ed, and like a fish- I was hooked.
That was my career journey. What was yours?

The Best Damn Band in the Land

We were watching football on Saturday and I heard the TV say how Ohio has the best damn band in the land. Hogwash I thought. So I decided I must see it to believe it. Damn! They were right! They were smoking. They had the most intricate lines ups and spelled their name out in cursive. It was bad a*s. What is with Ohio? Is there nothing to do except study there and get involved with school? Not only do their bands rock as does their football team, but it is also where the majority of our out of state national merit finalists are from.

Your Opinion

So tell me if I am crazy. No wait- that’s a bad way to start a question. So here’s the story.
Everyone knows my sister has pristine taste. She has decided that she is only going to have her one kid. She has saved me everything cool from Ben’s younger days. Which I think rocks. So last time I was home, she sent me back with nine ginormous hefty bags full of baby clothes. At first I had them in the garage. Everyone who knows me knows I hate mess. It looked messy. Plus I don’t wan’t the things to get moldy or gross sitting in the garage. Well I have this empty baby room. The only sensible solution I could think of was to bring the bags in. So I started to hang the clothes (and you know my sister who is the bomb had everything put in order by months). How cool is that!?! She even has those hangers that say 0-3 months, 3-9, etc. Score. So I started going through the bags and hung things that I really liked (all unisex stuff like green, yellow, white, etc) and made a pile for Nicole of the things that I didn’t think were Chaz’ style. Now keep in mind that I was packed and ready to go to college a solid year in advance. Holy cow there is some CUTE stuff in there. Anywho, what would you have done? Am I crazy for putting the stuff up early since I have the room and don’t want them to get ruined, or should I have left them in the bags like a normal procrastinator?

Sunday, November 19, 2006

The Weekend

Well Mark & PJ just left. It was good seeing them (they went back to CA).

Guess who drove up 3 hours after work to go to my party? My brother! How cool is he.! He even had a toga :)

We had a great time at the party. I'd say we had 20 some odd peeps there. Everyone was in toga. There was about 8 or 10 people I thought would be there that were not but oh well. The dogs were so well behaved at the party :) There was plenty of jello, hot tub, swimmin in the freezin pool, an inferno of candles cake, and great presents- holy cow. Who new that you get lingerie for bdays? Rock on! I also got the most fabu;ous ucf robe, a gorilla in a toga, digital photo frames, gift certificates, corn nuggets, bar stuff, and a fabulous ucf hoodie that I've been wearing everyday. Only one face plant on the bottom of the pool- other than that- no casualties. Lots of new faces at the party too- esp single guys.
The following day was massive clean up. Takin down the tiki torches, general clean up, mopping of the house (walls included....!,), etc. I think we will leave the x-mas lights out for the holidays. Endless laundry from towells, etc.
Last night we went and saw Casino Royale w/ Mark and PJ. It was good (not my fav though).
We have some freakish cold weather coming in starting tonight.
Time to go start the day.

We got to go out to lunch w/ my bro and Nikki. Good time.

my fav decor

Originally uploaded by drjeeeol.
This cracks me up ;)

My Knight

Originally uploaded by drjeeeol.
Did I mention that my Knight was back!?


Originally uploaded by drjeeeol.
What's a toga party without a Knightro in a toga cut out!?!

More togas

Originally uploaded by drjeeeol.
Mmmmm- velvet togas.


Originally uploaded by drjeeeol.
More fabulous toga pics.

Get the fire extinguisher

Originally uploaded by drjeeeol.
Here comes the blazing inferno....


Originally uploaded by drjeeeol.
How cute is that!?!

For the single ladies

Originally uploaded by drjeeeol.
For all of the single ladies who missed the party, I just have this picture for you (and he's single and sweet!).

Hot tub

Originally uploaded by drjeeeol.
Here is a bunch of us in the hot tub.
That's Sarah, Nikki, Chris, me, Arup, and new guy.


Originally uploaded by drjeeeol.
40 some odd degrees out and people actually went swimming :o


Originally uploaded by drjeeeol.
I guess I'll post some pics from the party before I start the day. Here I am w/ my work IT guy and his wife.

Friday, November 17, 2006

He's baaaaaack!

He's baaaaaack!
Originally uploaded by drjeeeol.
So my knight in shinning armour is back.

He will have more travel pictures to come as I worked out an arrangement with his travel companions.

Knight Rider

Knight Rider
Originally uploaded by drjeeeol.
Today my Knight learned how to drive.

When I returned from my luncheon, he was on my work chair with a note. Sounds like it was the advising office/congress gang that took him (and Mike since that's his car!). I emailed him back and told him he should go on another trip or maybe I will even take him around on the UCF shuttle bus.


It's my lunch break

So my luncheon isn't till 1pm but everyone knows my feeding time is at 11:30 so I decided to be bad (it's my bday, I can get away with it today) so I ate two drumstick ice-cream cones for pre-lunch. Now that is how every Friday should be! While I was eating cone #2, I got a flower delivery from Chuckstar saying Happy 90th Semester since I relate all time concepts to academic semesters :)

95% of the staff is out today so it is a ghost town. The luncheon today is w/ a fancy architect.

Last night Sarah & Nikki got stuck at Target since the keys got locked in the car so I went and picked them up. Her spare keys are in DeLand so they had to drive out in Nikkis car to go get them. That puts a damper on their evening plans. Ouch.

Sounds like my folks sold their house and closing will all be done in December.

No pics from my Knight yet today. Hmmmm. Pictures stop when the Congress students left to NCHC.Hmmmmm.....

Might go to the UCF game the last weekend of this month. Anyone else going?.....

The Party

So after work we spent all day shoppin& gettin ready for the party.
I have my knights skinny brother twin set up for the party and wearing a toga for picture opportunities- pictures next week. Since there are no toga party accessories existant in the party stores, I printed out pics of toga related people and cut them out and put them in the bazillion pictures around the house. Its rather amusing. We went out and bought the Balushi (sp?) toga movie. Then we noticed our bar was baren from the last party so we had to invest into new bar materials. Ouch- why did we pick a toga theme instead of a stock the bar theme?!?!?
Should be fun to see what everyone is wearing tomorrow.
I have all the besd made and set the lights up and the torches are ready. Tomorrow will be a loooong day at work but Friday night is almost here!

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Still a no go

Males, cover your eyes- this is girl talk stuff.

So we are not prego this month. I must be on some freak 50 or 60 some odd day cycle. Might have been too much goin on w/ Emily out, Homecoming, 15 events in the same week, etc. I dunno. The one time that the ovulation test 'looked' positive was the day after the Rose wedding....after much, much drinking. EEEEiiieeee.
Oh well, it will happen when it happens. At least I know I can party hard at my bday this week.
Hmmm- maybe I will have babies at the same time as Lynn, Lisa, or Emily now. We will see.

Over at the Union

Over at the Union
Originally uploaded by drjeeeol.
So my Knight wants a name. So far I came up with the following but would love suggestions:

Dr. Knight
Dr. K. Night
Knight Rider
Sir Lance Alot
Notorious K-N-I-G-H-T
Boogie Knight
Dr. Med Evil Knight

Chick Fil A

Chick Fil A
Originally uploaded by drjeeeol.
So today I got 4 more pictures of my knight. He was at Burger King and Chick-Fil-A today. If you squint really close, you can see the photographers reflection sort of in the sign. It is a tall,skinny boy w/ a cap. Hmmmmm. Might be my Kool Aid Man.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

You know what would really suck?

Being reincarnated as a geoduck (pronounced gooey-duck).
Don't believe me? Do a Google image search and you will understand.


Originally uploaded by drjeeeol.
Here is my knight shooting hoops.


Originally uploaded by drjeeeol.
Here he is signing up for intramural basketball. I am so jealous.

Study Group in the Library

Study Group in the Library
Originally uploaded by drjeeeol.
Look at my Knight helping out these ladies!

Checking Out Books

Checking Out Books
Originally uploaded by drjeeeol.
My Knight is at the Library today.
I am so proud.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

A librarian at heart.

Originally uploaded by drjeeeol.
Now that's hot.


Originally uploaded by drjeeeol.
How cool is my knight!!!!!


Originally uploaded by drjeeeol.
Here he is shopping. Good taste!

Makin friends

Originally uploaded by drjeeeol.
I got more pics from my Knight today. Here is making friends.

work bday cake

work bday cake
Originally uploaded by drjeeeol.
Since most of my staff will be at a conference later this week, we had my work bday party today. Isnt the cake fabulous!?

Dance Dance Revolution

Dance Dance Revolution
Originally uploaded by drjeeeol.
Who new he knew how to do Dance Dance Revolution (DDR)?
Man my Knight is cool!

Meetin Peeps at the Info Booth

Meetin Peeps at the Info Booth
Originally uploaded by drjeeeol.
Nothing like making friends.
Shoot- soon he will have more friends than me on his facebook!


Originally uploaded by drjeeeol.
Here he is catching some rays. I hope he is wearing his sunscreen!


Originally uploaded by drjeeeol.
So here are a few of the pics I have been receiving from my Knight on his travels.

Em's Employee of the Month

Em's Employee of the Month
Originally uploaded by drjeeeol.
Em got Employee of the Month. It was like Publishers Clearing House where they drive up in a van with a banner and balloons. It was fun to surprise her. Then we did a catered Olive Garden lunch. Her name will be on the marquis starting tomorrow for two weeks!

Monday, November 13, 2006

Eureka Palm

Eureka Palm
Originally uploaded by drjeeeol.
Here is what I will miss most about the house. The yard was completely encircled by these palms that we planted when both they and I were just itty bitty. They made the best privacy fences and are just beautiful.

Home Sweet Home

Home Sweet Home
Originally uploaded by drjeeeol.
Here is what I will miss the LEAST at the old place. Across the street- each house had different bars around their lawn- note" not the bars on the window, this is the lawn (so your car doesnt get jacked).


Originally uploaded by drjeeeol.
Here is what I loved about Miami. I spent hours many days cracking open coconuts to eat them.
All though these trees and coconuts suck at hurricane season!

My Knight

Here is my funny story of the day.
In my office, I have a 4 foot tall golden knight. While I was out of town, my knight was sort of abducted. There was a letter, from the night, stating how he is going to use his annual leave to find himself. He was upset that he wasnt included in the staff family portrait.
It gets better. Then I get an email from jills_knight@hotmail.com sending me pics of his travels. He was at different locations at my work. Then on the Dance Dance Revolution machine at Wackadoos. Then hangin w/ crowds at the info booth.
No wait it gets better. Then I get an email invite to join his www.facebook.com his name is jills knight if you have facebook and wanna check it out. Now get this- he has tons of friends, at least 3 dozen on his facebook and people have posted on there too. He gets more comments than I do!
Cant wait to see his travels tomorrow!
So to be nice I made an album just for him on my facebook including a photoshopped pic of him in the staff pic.

More updates

Lots to report.

1. Mark S. and his wife from Thailand are staying with us till after the party.
2. Nikki has been an awesomely cool roommate thus far.
3. Trip to Pembroke Pines was great. Got to take Ben to Nova and swin class and babysit him. He is insanely smart. My sis is giving me her 9 giant full bags of baby clothes. On Sunday I woke up at 8:01 w/ a mission- I had to go to Target right then and there and buy 150 baby hangers. No idea what I dreamt but by golly- I was at Target and bought them out!
I got to say good bye to the old house in Miami.
4. On Sunday we got inside Mike & Lynns crib and decorated it like mad. That was a good time.
5. Monday night classes are soooooooo boring.
6. Emily got employee of the month so we through her a surpise Olive Garden lunch. That rocked.

Pa and Barney

Pa and Barney
Originally uploaded by drjeeeol.
So this pic was taken at their new backyard. Ma and Pa and Barney love to spend the evenings feeding the ducks. You can get 10 loaves of day too old bread for $1 and have a frenzy of ducks to feed.

Sleepless in Pembroke Pines...

Sleepless in Pembroke Pines...
Originally uploaded by drjeeeol.
This is me trying to convince Ben to nap. So he took my phone and took a picture of me. Needless to say- no nap.
Man does he have good camera skills for a 3 year old. Plus he yells "Sacre Bleu!" I so buchered that spelling...

Ma and Pa and Ben

Ma and Pa and Ben
Originally uploaded by drjeeeol.
Now this photo should be the cover page of a retrement magazine. This photo just emits love!

My hair from behind

My hair from behind
Originally uploaded by drjeeeol.
You asked for it so here it is- a pic of my hair.
Go go natural color!

Ladies man

Ladies man
Originally uploaded by drjeeeol.
Yup- thats another cutie!

Wild Beast

Wild Beast
Originally uploaded by drjeeeol.
Really he is just yawning but what a sweetie!

The Love

The Love
Originally uploaded by drjeeeol.
Tiger loves to sleep nose to nose w/ Monk. Monk does not (as seen in the next pic).
How cute are they!?!

My next ride

My next ride
Originally uploaded by drjeeeol.
I found my next car and you will never guess where? At Sonnys of course!

Till the cows come home

Till the cows come home
Originally uploaded by drjeeeol.
So explain this one to me. Some person out there must have thought "Golly gee- if I put cement cows outside of my furniture store- it will draw the crowds in....?!

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Hello from Pembroke Pines!

Here I am in South Florida. I am getting lots of Ben time in.

I was worried that half of my family was having a health crisis so I was anxious to get down here. Maybe more details later. Heck- I can't even pronounce the word I heard so definitely later.

I love my parents new house! It is a 7 minute walk from my sisters house. It is a 3 bedroom 2 bath home with a lake behind it. Lots and lots of ducks and exotic birds on the lake. I especially like this computer desk cubby in the hallway. I got to watch Ben today while everyone was at the doctors. That boy has boundless energy and is like a hybrid car- he never needs fuel or sleep! Schnikes.

While here I cut off all my hair. :o
I like to say its like Cameron Diaz' do in her latest movie w/ Kate Winslet....but then again, its also the same one I had in 3rd grade! It did get rid of most of the two tone hair color that was making me crazy! What is it about male hair dressers that make them the best? Everyone knows that gay male hairdressers are the best so as this guy was cutting my hair and then mentioned how he has kids- all I could think of was Abort, Abort- he's not gay! But I was already commited. Luckily I liked his work. Phew! I also went to a few shops w/ my fam. Its funny b/c me and my sis have complete opposite tastes- the shirts that I buy are the ones she would never wear and vice versa.

I also got to go to Ben's Nova school. Dang. I want to go to that school. It is nice!

So someone needs to tell me why we picked a toga theme other than the coolness of the costumes. Just for the record, none of the party stores carry anything toga related!

My parents lab and 1 of the cats are both 14 years old. They really seem to prefer the new house.

Tomorrow I plan on feeding the ducks w/ my Dad then us all going to see the old house. Everyone is surprised that I wanna see the old house but its the only one I have known for over a quarter of a century. Its like paying your last respects or something. Its prob my last chance and I'd like to close that chapter properly.

I'll have lots of pics when I get back (from my camera phone).
Miss you all!

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

I'm Out

Got some family to see in South Florida so I'll be blog free for a few days.
Mark Simos and wife will be here on Friday night.
I'm out.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Dang! You peeps are rough man.

What does a girl gotta do around here to get blogger comments? Geeez peeps! I even left lots of pics! Peeps arnt showin me any love.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

more details

I believe I already told you all about Skit Night on Wednesday night. On Thursday was the BlkGoldGala. It was lovely and they had the silent auction ahead of time again. We bid and won on a party pack for 25 of our closest friends to go on a champagne VIP gambling casino cruise trip. They might even have a bus that picks us all up. That would be sweet. We are hopin to maybe use it for Mike R's bday in December. We will see. The package also came w/ gambling poker chips. Awww. We drove Marty to the gala. We brought home all of the table center pieces which were glass alumni jars. Sweet. Fabulous event.

On Friday the Rehearsal Dinner was great. Chaz and I set up for it at about 5:30. I am too exhausted to go into detail. They rented out Cafe de France again. Lynn imported 3 Carnegie Deli cheese cakes from NY (drool...). It was open bar, top shelf. They had a professional charactature artist there. Everything was done to the T. The filets were mouth watering. The toasts were moving. Mike R had the whole room tear up. Man what a night.

On Saturday Chaz and I went to the parade. My kids homecoming float was so cute. They would yell at the audience "when I yell OH, you yell Yeah" and then they would yell OH and the audience would yell YEAH (they went w/ the Kool Aid man theme. Rock on. They took home a bunch of trophies- including the coveted spirit cup!!! We didnt win the football game tho. The alumni reunion went well too (thanks to Mike C for covering for me).

After the parade I rushed to get my hair done (I only had like 45 minutes to do this!). Then we went to the wedding. Oh what an elegant wedding! The real tear jerker of it all was the fact that Lynns dad was able to walk her down the aisle after that horrible broken leg incident. After the wedding we went to the pre-reception by the pool at the Westin Grand Boheme. How elegant! It had like a white silk canopy tent over it and it was on a roof top in downtown Orlando. Again, open bar. Full moon, perfect weather. From there we went to the ballroom to the reception. Absolutely spectacular. Let me break it down for you in order of crazy ritzy weddings (not including family members):
Priness Diana's
Donald Trump's
The Rose Wedding
Yup, it was that cool. They had live orchestra people play during the wedding. The cake matched the dress. The food was amazing. Oh schnikes- I am too pooped to go into details.It rocked. We had a small after, after, after party in the special corner suite over lookin Orange Ave. What a good time.
Today was yet another after party at Lynns folks house. Woo wee! So much fun. Check out the FLICKR for more pics.

Roommate Update

Yeah- this roommate situation rocks.
First of all, we have been out every night this week so we never see her and the dogs have company :) Then we get back tonight as she is on her way out. Its the best of both worlds! She didnt bring much stuff, is quiet, clean, low maintenance- rock on!

The Phone Story

So get this. Earlier this week Chaz was in our room and he smelt this weird smell and heard a gurgling noise. So he followed it. His cell phone charger that he keeps plugged in next to his desk, fell off his desk and into his full glass of water that he keep by the bed and it started to boil :o
Needless to say, you dont hear that everyday!
Yeah- it was fried.

Charactature (sp?)

Charactature (sp?)
Originally uploaded by drjeeeol.
Here is ours.


Originally uploaded by drjeeeol.
At the rehearsal dinner, this guy did professional charactatures of all of the couples.

Seeing double

Seeing double
Originally uploaded by drjeeeol.
This is where the rehearsal dinner was held.

Us and not really them...

Us and not really them...
Originally uploaded by drjeeeol.
This was the lifesized cut out copy of the wedding couple.
How cool is that!?


Originally uploaded by drjeeeol.
Another reason yet again of why school is cool.


Originally uploaded by drjeeeol.
We got to bring this gorgeous arrangement home from the rehearsal dinner!

Us at the Parade

Us at the Parade
Originally uploaded by drjeeeol.
If I ever go into labor on game day/parade day- I'm holding the baby in till its over.
I love school stuff!!!